Once you click this, you will be brought to the orders page. You'll see 4 parts:
Phase 4: Orders on delivery to bhiner
Listed under this are all the orders that you have paid the first payment for. Orders under here are being shipped to bhiner. If you have ordered from different sellers, they may arrive at different times. You can check the order status by clicking the order number. I will explain this function further later.
Phase 5: Orders arrived bhiner & waiting 2nd payment
When all the items you have ordered arrive at bhiner, they will calculate the international shipping fee, which is the second payment. There is a checkout button for you to pay the 2nd payment.
Phase 6: Bhiner to your home
Once you have paid the international shipping fee, the order will be listed under this. When you receive your items, click the button "mark completed."
Phase 7: Completed Transaction
All shipped and completed orders that you have made will be listed here.
Order Status
You can check the status of your order by clicking the order number (the order number begins with OR followed by 5 digits). This is my favorite function of bhiner. It is detailed and helps reassure you about the things you have bought.
Once you click the order number, you will be brought to this window:
It has various information about your order. There is also a section at the bottom where you can write inquiries about your order. The most important thing on this window is it shows if each item has arrived at Bhiner. If you order from different Taobao stores, they don't all come at the same time so it's nice knowing which ones Bhiner has in their office. They also take pictures of the products once they have it. If you hover over the pictures of the items, you'll see a bigger image like below:
This is my favorite thing about Bhiner. I often wonder if the things I buy online look like the images they provide. Seeing pictures of the things I bought not only make me excited to receive them, but also reassure me that I'm getting the right items.
Once all your items have arrived at Bhiner, you can pay the second payment (international shipping payment). Under Phase 5, there is a green checkout button that you have to click to proceed to the final checkout. Once you click this, you will be brought to this window:
There are 7 sections (excluding your Bhiner account value).
1) Shipment Details: This contains information like the shipping address you provided, the weight of the package (weight and volume weight), which shipping provider you selected, and which orders are included in the shipment.
2) Re-confirm Your Address: If you need your items to be shipped somewhere else than the address provided, you can change the shipping address in this section.
3) Re-confirm Your Shipment Provider: When all your items get to Bhiner, they weigh it and display the total weight of your package. Sometimes, it might be cheaper to change the shipment provider (shipping company) once you know the total weight of your package (Use the shipping calculator on the website to see which company will ship your items for the least amount of money!). If you do decide to change, they charge a 10 CNY processing fee (This is around 1.62 USD). This does not cost that much compared to the amount you can save.
4) Payment Method: Self-explanatory. Shows your payment method. Usually it's your Bhiner account. There are other options, but this is the most convenient.
5) Shipping Remarks: Here you can change the value declaration of your package. Some people do this to avoid custom duties. It's really rare to get custom duties unless you are buying a large quantity or if you are buying branded items. You can also put any other things you would like them to do when they ship your item.
6) Member's Agreement: These are the terms of Bhiner that you have to agree upon when you use their services.
Once you fill out all the information needed, press the green checkout button, and you're done! All you have to do is wait for your package to arrive and check the tracking number once in a while to see if your package is safe and on it's way. :)
I know this post is long overdue, and I apologize for those who were like "WHERE'S PART 2?!?!" >.< But here it is~ The reason why I couldn't write PART 2 until now is because I haven't ordered from Taobao in a while, and there's this function that only shows up when your order is current.
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